Bandannas and Bang Bangs
ISIS, IL, I Suck whatever are nothing but,
Idiots running around with Bandannas and Bang Bangs
Manufactured by the CIA,
Fucktards created for religious freedom
All in aid to combat communism
Bandannas and Bang Bangs
ISIS IS IL I Suck whatever
Are a manufactured spoil
They are in it for all the oil.
Bandannas and Bang Bangs
ISIS IS , I Suck whatever
Fueld by religion and batshit
Created by CIA, get the fuck away.
They would behead you
They would butcher you
They would eat you,
For you are Halaaal meat.
Bandannas and Bang Bangs
ISIS , IL, I Suck whatever
A freemasonry master plan
For Gold Oil and Drugs they trust.
A product of the military industrial complex.
By Allah Fuckbar , shit of the Cali-fuck.
ISIS, IS, IL I fuckwhatever… enjoy my urban mantra.