Monday 17 November 2014

Update and A few thoughts

Anyway I am sharing a few thoughts, yes I am going on holiday. My thoughts is about people. I simply don’t understand them, and why they would make an issue on the basis that I am different than the norm n many cases. To be honest what I have been through in the past, I find it very difficult to get on with people… It confuses me that they at first claim to be friends and then leave, in social media the same shit. Subscrive/Follow, and then unsubscribe/unfollow for no particular reason.

For some unknown reason they expect me to visit them all the time (IRL people), but they never show up at my place. WTF are they afraid that they would be trapped in my alien lair or something ? The same thing with my relatives here. They always expected me to visit, but they never , not once even visited my place for a cup of tea. This why I am just fed up with people. Been ostracised for being different, bullied at school, banned from websites, the list goes on. Even the way I feel about people , and the fear of being hurt , I have developed the point not to get to close or develop a friendship on fear of being hurt and rejected. The more I feel upset about life in general , the more I shy away from people, in fear that what I may speak out my mind something  might come out the wrong way. 

Then there is the belief bit, because I do not believe in a god aka atheist, and understand it does not exist from analysing life , events details, evidence , including extraterrestrial sources…. the whole reality of it all is that god is a made up delusion invented by people , because they dismissed the questions , and thrown them into the god box. Then this gets exploited by the religio political elite to control people as commodities. I don’t know, living on this planet is one fucking nightmare. 

Then whats is worse when I openly share my experiences, and what I understand about life the universe and everything…. I simply know, because I felt, touched , seen and something that is physically real, such as someone from another solar system. Then also looking and understanding and thinking about things, rather than blindly accepting something….. they get classified as “my beliefs” wtf… they are not my beliefs, because the idea of faith is not involved, I did not accepted just because blah blah blah. I simply know and understand because of what I have experience , and what I can relate to with comparing similar real things. Its like trying to tell someone in the middle ages that the planet is a sphere and not  flat like a piece of cardboard.  

Thats my rant for the moment, and I am better at doing what I do best , that is working on my art …. if people don’t love me, I am sure some people love and appreciate my work, not all unfortunately because life is shit and it isn’t a bed of roses and neither its a utopia like the majority of the galaxy… basically planet earth is nothing but a shithole created by assholes, where it could have been a utopia. I simply wish my life was not so shit and a fucking failure…. having to try and live through the bullshit people done to me since the time I had been mutilated a month after I had been born….. then people religious , judicial or political, throw obstacles and hurdles , to prevent me from getting almost close as fixing things… Austerity, NHS cuts, Street Preachers annoying me, Muslim men intimidating me and the list goes on…

If I was left alone , maybe things would have been better… 
I know for sure I would have been happier , because my body would not feel vandalised, exploited  because people believed god exists ,and what they did to me , made them right with god, by believing they fixing mess what the devil did with the fallen angels… yes they believe the extraterrestrials are fucking fallen angels… depressing when the same shit is flooding youtube…..

Leaving my parents did not escape me from the batshit …. its here there and everywhere….. and on youtube, just search extraterrestrials …. you see it, some of them go as far to believe airplanes and helicopters have pig demons.

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