Thursday 21 May 2015


Ironically they have conveniently disabled the comments on this article and go about it in a church (shut the fuck up and listen and conform) approach.  

The issue here ISLAM IS NOT A RACE IT IS A RELIGION which people who disagree with the ideology of Islam are being categorised as being racist, which is stupid. I myself dislike religion as whole, even though I associate myself with the Raelian Movement, which you can call out the hypocrite card on me, and you certainly can. 

To sum it up I agree with much of their content, from understanding and knowing from experience. Though there are some issues that I don't agree with , but are in the minority of importance. The main thing is  to be yourself , who you are , striving to understand and know life , the universe and everything instead of believing just because someone says so, or it is written in a book. I have always considered the Movement something similar to other atheists organisations, religions and cults such as the Pastafarianism(church of the flying spaghetti monster) or Athiesm+   but with with extraterrestrial juice, in hoping to get permission for an extraterrestrial embassy , as requested by extraterrestrials to develop mutual first open contact , without appearing invasive and misinterpreted as something out of Independence Day. Where the people are like myself that agree in direct panspermia and genetic engineering instead of darwinism for the origin of life. 

The original meaning from the etymology of what means is : to bond/gather on a common belief or understanding of a specific ideology or philosophy.  Now religion means "The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods."  and "a particular system of faith and worship." but this one relates to the older definition of the word relating to its etymology , here it is "a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion." Then what is a cult and what is a religion ? A cult and a religion are the same thing, and so is being part of a group or club of specific interest is actually a cult , and when being excessive it is a religion. However people who are in mainstream religions believe that cults are excessive and religions are not, which is funny and amusing.  So there are many different perceptions on what a religion actually is, and I am going to refer to the mainstream definition of religion,  which would make me say, I dislike all religion. However then you get scientology, which is also a religion, where members are exploited as cash cows, and their view is calling the universe "god" in Dynamic 8 similar to Freemasonry, which is an all male religion/cult. 

Back to the topic is that I mentioned that Islam is not a race. It is often shown in media headlines "Islamic Immigrants" in connection with the refugees out at sea who are fleeing for their lives, and hope to end up anywhere other than where they originated from. When you think about and analyse the refugees, and question. Are all of them Islamic ? what if some of them are Christian , Buddhist, Gnostics or even Atheists. Most would feel offended because they had been labelled "Islamic Immigrants" because they are refugees from an islamic country in the name of political propaganda to cause tension and hate, where they are in fact African refugees from Samalia, and arab-amaraic peoples from the arabic regions. But the media labels them all as being Islamic, which is a religion, a faith. 

Then in the group of refugees who do consider themselves Islamic by their belief or faith, the majority of them are fleeing for their lives because their country is a theocracy imposing strict religious laws they certainly do not conform  the orthodox point of view of an ideology., however there are a few of the majority of refugees who are orthodox and extreme in their beliefs , since they have been indoctrinated to conquer and covert the entire planet, who pretend to flee for their lives, and often spy on the refugees who are authentic asylum seekers. This is where the industrial military complex has a stronghold in religion to use to manipulate people, to cause drama and conflict to initiate wars so that they can profit from them., and this has been done for centuries. 

was hoping to comment this on :

Then to add, I am one who sees humanity , all peoples as citizens of planet Earth, since countries and borders and boundaries don't exist , and are made up, and delusions that the elite use to keep people in one spot to be farmed and milked for money as "human capital" . From space , in orbit around the Earth, I see no borders and boundaries, just a sphere full of clouds, land and ocean. 

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