Friday 6 December 2013

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares.

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares.
Fast in a deep sleep, my brain simulates the future.
Which is dark, toxic, and always ends with human extinction.
Extracted from historical events of the past, the present.
Constructing a re-occurance, from updates of the present.
It warps and changes in minor details, but mainly constant.
When I wake up, I gasp in relief that it is not real.
Hoping that it’s the last nightmare of the future.

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares

From political monsters to religious zombies,
Human Capital and Human Farming , Slaves, Working  Prisons,
People are not beings but capital livestock, the nightmarish truth.
Microchipping people, imprisoning, executions and inquisitions
Radiation, Pollution, Wars, Famine, Deaths and Austerity
Religio-political Elites scavenging off the brains of the intellect,
Sadistic rituals and schizophrenic beliefs, eating people.
Euthanizing, instead of medical help for budget cuts.
Wonder Technology that could save the world is used as weapons.
Money Disease Everywhere with Economy set before People
Economy more important than Environment, Earth destroyed.
The religio-political Elites murder everything in their suicide.
Extraterrestrials rejected and killed who try help humanity.
They watch , they wait, they gather survivors is it too late ?

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares

I have had enough trauma and looks like I have PTSD permanently
Having doomsday nightmares is more than enough
Hoping that someday I would heal and move on in life
To be happy, to be free, to be fully creative, naked and natural.
My wounds heal but my scars remain, literally and emotionally.
I keep to myself as the tension, depression and anxiety increases
As these nightmares materialize, I become numb all over
I only wish my dreams come true, not this bullshit.
I never wanted these nightmares to become real.
They supposed to be fictional constructs of my traumatized brain.

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares

It has reached the point that these repeated bad dreams
Are becoming monotonous to the irony of monetization.
I have found the cheat codes and super powers in them,
Saving everyone from the murder of the religio-political elite suicide,
I wake up sweating, and injuring my damaged back in my sleep.
Wake and media shows me the news …
Elements that were in the first half of the dream are happening now,
But I don’t have the cheats, and super powers, because this is reality.
I scream  with a heavy migraine…

Nightmares Go Away Nightmares !
I hear light bulbs in the street explode
I pass out from exhaustion.

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